Par une magnifique journée, les deux classes de Terminale finissant leur stage en Allemagne, ont pu profiter d’une visite guidée matinale des principales attractions de la capitale Bavaroise, avant de bénéficier d’un quartier libre en début d’après-midi. Enfin, nous nous sommes réunis dans une taverne typique du centre ville pour […]

Découverte de Munich avec les TCUI et les TCSR

Today, we decided to head for the Irish capital city and walked together towards Athlone train station. An hour and a half later, we arrived at Heuston station. The weather was oddly fine, no fog or pouring rain, cold, slightly windy but dry: we were good to go! On our […]

Chillin’ in Dublin

Today, as Ruben was off and Erwan had finished working a bit earlier, we decided to make the most of the (for once) friendly Irish weather and take a stroll down the streets of Athlone. We went to the city’s bowling alley and even though the place was almost empty, […]

Bowling for Athlone