Today, we decided to head for the Irish capital city and walked together towards Athlone train station.
An hour and a half later, we arrived at Heuston station. The weather was oddly fine, no fog or pouring rain, cold, slightly windy but dry: we were good to go!
On our way, we paused before the huge Guinness storehouse and we easily realized the importance of this popular Irish stout for the whole city. Besides, while looking for souvenirs to bring back, a whole level of Carroll’s gift shop was dedicated to the famous dark beer.

Dublin is an old city with old buildings mostly made of bricks, filled with History. We went past numerous churches, a few cathedrals and even a castle.

At one point, our empty stomachs let us know that it was time to have lunch and we sat in a traditional Irish pub : Beef and Guinness stew, curry chicken tenders, let’s proceed with our trip and see more of Dublin.
Down the majestic O’Connel’s Street, we were met with what looked like the mast of a gigantic abandoned ship. The spire of Dublin is actually a 120m high sculpture that stands in the middle of the road. Impressive.
The Irish weather eventually caught us up in the shape of a patchy drizzle, soon turning in hail like showers. Everyone was warmly dressed, no harms done !
We all got back to the station, walking along the Liffey River and said goodbye to Baile Átha Cliath!
More soon